We strive to offer services based on the Tanzanian Development Vision – 2025, her present Health Policy and in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the WHO for 2030.

Bethsaida CHD therefore envisages offering equitable accessible and effective health services to people in our service area with efficiency to improve health and livelihood.


Our Team

Members of the Board:

Marja Chirangi-Schoenmaker, Chairperson
Jan Peter Schoenmaker, Treasurer
E. de Quant, General Board Member
N. Kasbergen-Lievers, General Board Member

Remuneration policy
The members of the board are volunteers, they are not paid for any activity.
Report of activities: the first report will be presented in 2024
Financial accountability: the first report will be presented in 2024


  • Jipiego, Tanzania – On the Job Training
  • APHTA,  Association of Private Health Facilities in Tanzania
  • KMCT, Kenya
  • MCC, Mennonite Central Committee Tanzania

Important Information

Name of the institution: Stichting Vrienden van Bethsaida
Fiscal number / RSIN:  854412037

Contact: E. de Quant
E : vriendenvanbethsaida@ziggo.nl / friendsofbethsaida@ziggo.nl
T: +31648707319 / +31703642606

Aim of this foundation: promotion of Health Care in Tanzania
Policy paper of the Foundation: View it here

Friends of Bethsaida

Our donors are:

  • Dutch Women Mission Organization, The Netherlands
  • Mennonite Foundation for Health Care, The Netherlands
  • Mennonite Congregation of Ouddorp, The Netherlands
  • Gifts from individual persons in The Netherlands
  • Mare Fund, The Netherlands
  • Mennonite Church The Hague, The Netherlands
  • Mennonite Worldwork, organization for solidarity and peace, The Netherlands
  • Protestant Churches of Rijswijk and Maastricht donated a substantial amount for new buildings.
  • Roman Catholic Foundation The, Netherlands

Bank Details for Donations

Name of the bank: ABN AMRO, PO Box 283, 1000 EA  Amsterdam
BIC / Swift Code:  ABNANL2A
IBAN / Bank account number:  NL47 ABNA 0823171299
Name of the account:  Stichting Vrienden van Bethsaida